How to buy from us

  1. Identifying Needs and Contacting Us:

    • The initial step in the process is to identify your requirements. This entails specifying the type of product or service you wish to procure, the quantity, technical specifications, and your budget. Please contact us directly to communicate your needs.
  2. Quotation and Sample Production:

    • After we have determined your requirements, we will provide you with a quotation and, if necessary, initiate the production of a sample to ensure that the product or service meets your specifications.
    • Following your review of the sample, we extend an invitation for you to visit our company. This visit will provide an opportunity for in-person discussions regarding your requirements, a firsthand look at sample products or services, and an understanding of the production process.
  3. Contract Agreement:

    • Upon the identification of your needs, we will engage in negotiations to establish a purchase contract with you. This contract should encompass terms related to pricing, delivery time, payment conditions, and any other pertinent transactional terms.
  4. Purchase Order Creation:

    • Subsequent to the agreement on the contract, we will formally create a Purchase Order to confirm the order and the contractual terms.
  5. Payment:

    • Execute payment in accordance with the terms stipulated in the contract. Payment methods may include bank transfers, letters of credit (LC), or other mutually agreed-upon payment mechanisms.
  6. Production and Delivery:

    • We will proceed with the production or delivery of the service as delineated in the contract.
  7. Warranty and Technical Support (if required):

    • If the product or service provided includes warranty or technical support provisions, we will diligently oversee and provide these services as necessary.
  8. Feedback and Evaluation:

    • Finally, after the completion of the transaction, you are encouraged to provide feedback and assess the product or service. Your input will aid us in enhancing our services for the future.
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