Shipping Methods

Shipping Methods:

Our company accepts various transportation methods to meet the needs of our customers. We provide flexibility in choosing transportation methods, including:

  1. Sea Freight: We support sea transportation, suitable for large-scale orders or those with flexible delivery timelines. We have established relationships with leading shipping companies to ensure efficient and safe sea transport.

  2. Air Freight: We offer air transportation for orders requiring priority and quick delivery. We collaborate with top-tier airlines to ensure high-quality transportation services.

  3. Land Transport: For orders within the same geographic region or requiring land transportation, we provide convenient and efficient land transport services. We have a wide network of land transportation partners to meet domestic transportation needs.

Pricing Models:

We accept various pricing models to accommodate the specific situation of our customers, including:

  1. FOB (Free On Board): We provide FOB pricing for orders where customers wish to take responsibility and bear the transportation costs from the port of shipment to the destination.

  2. CNF (Cost and Freight): We offer CNF pricing, where the product price includes the cost of transportation to the destination port. We manage the transportation from the port of shipment to the destination port and calculate the costs within the product price.

  3. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight): CIF pricing includes transportation, insurance, and port fees from the port of shipment to the destination port. We manage the entire transportation process and insurance to ensure the safe arrival of the product.

We are committed to providing transportation options and pricing that align with the specific needs of each order, ensuring that products are delivered to you reliably and efficiently.

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